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RIETS Semichas Chachamim Program in the Five Towns

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

Looking for the next step in your Torah learning?

Always wanted to pursue Semicha, but never had the opportunity?

Now is the time!

Join the RIETS Semichas Chachamim program in the Five Towns! 

This intensive men’s program meets two hours a day, three mornings a week, providing in-depth learning of Halacha and Gemara with renowned maggid shiur, Rabbi Akiva Willig, Mara De’asra of the Beis Medrash of Woodmere, and a shoel u'meishiv.


Location and Dates:

The program will meet in the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst Beis Medrash

The Semichas Chachamim program will launch on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and going forward will run from September through June each year. 



Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
8:00 AM Chavrusa
9:00 AM Shiur 



  • 6-year learning program (Shorter than daf yomi! But at a much higher level!)

  • 3 years of Halacha: Shabbos, Issur Veheter, Aveilus. 

  • 3 years of Gemara B’Iyun – Aliba Dehilchesa:  Menachos (Sefer Torah, Tefillin, Mezuzos) , A Moed Masechta (to be determined by the group), and Avodah Zara (Kashrus sugyos)


Additional Program Information:

  • Special programs in Yeshiva (YU/RIETS) each year with the Roshei Yeshiva and on some Sunday mornings (optional)

  • Remote learning on a regular basis will not qualify for semicha. However, occasional remote learning opportunities will be available.  

  • The who complete the six-year program will receive a Klaf Semicha from RIETS – Semichas Chachamim and be invited to participate in the RIETS Chag HaSemikha. Certificates will be awarded for each area of Halacha mastered along the way.


Program Cost and Registration:

  • The annual program cost is $18,000, which includes a $10,000 tax-deductible donation to RIETS.

  • To secure your spot, please make an $1800 donation to the .

  • Please contact Alan Secter at alan.secter@yu.edu to pay by check or Donor Advised Fund.

  • Please contact Rabbi Menachem Penner with any additional questions atpenner@yu.edu.


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