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Emil Fish

Our Founder

Emil A. Fish is a Holocaust survivor from the small town of Bardejov in Slovakia. In 1944, as a 9 year-old boy, he and his family were captured and arrested by the Gestapo. His father was sent to Buchenwald Concentration Camp and survived. He, his mother and sister were sent to Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp. In 1945, he, his mother and sister were liberated from Bergen-Belsen by the British Army. 

Mr. Fish and his family immigrated to Los Angeles in 1955. He is the founder of Emil Fish Enterprises and Regency Park Senior Living, Inc. He has served as President of Congregation Shaarei Tefila, Hillel Hebrew Academy and the Union of Orthodox Congregations, West Coast Office. Mr. Fish has also served as a member of the Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation.

In 2006 he founded the Bardejov Jewish Preservation Committee. Its mission is to preserve and document the Jewish heritage in Bardejov and to memorialize and honor its Holocaust victims.

In 2009, Mr. Fish was appointed by President Obama to the United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, on which he still serves. He currently resides in both Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Among his many achievements, he is most proud of his 3 children and 12 grandchildren. 

Beyond Bergen Belson: Emil Discusses Surviving the Holocaust

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