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B.S. in Finance Courses

All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.
Please see the Schedule of Classes for the current semester鈥檚 offerings.

  • FIN 1001 Principles of Finance
    Introductory survey of the fundamentals of financial management, financial analysis, and the securities markets. Provides a general understanding of financial institutions, the terms and rights available to stockholders and bondholders, and the corporate financial structure.Covers sources and uses of capital, debt versus equity, present value techniques, valuation, capital asset pricing, risk and return and uncertainty. Prerequisite IDS 1001, and Corequisite ACC 1001.
  • FIN 1408 Corporate Finance
    Introduction to the principles and techniques of corporate financial management; including financial analysis, firm value optimization and valuation models, capital structure, stock valuation leverage, dividend policy, the cost of capital, mergers IPOs and bankruptcy. Problems and applications will use commercially available computer software. Prerequisite: FIN 1001.
  • FIN 2409 Advanced Corporate Finance (Capstone)
    Focuses on the corporate finance function and decision-making process. Examines advanced and specialized topics in finance. Evaluation of capital expenditure proposals, risk/return, diversification, capital structure, investment and financing decisions, capital markets, cash and credit management, mergers, acquisitions, LBOs, and global financial strategies. Lectures and assignments may utilize case presentations and independent research and writing. Prerequisite: FIN 1408 required; IDS 1456 recommended.
  • FIN 2505 Investment Analysis
    Features and characteristics of available investment opportunities; fundamental principles for choosing sound investment vehicles to meet investor risk/return objectives. Stocks, bonds, warrants, convertibles, preferreds, municipal bonds, treasuries, options, and futures are defined and analyzed. Prerequisite: FIN 1001.
  • FIN 2508 Entrepreneurial Finance
    How entrepreneurs secure financing for their business ventures: sources of funding such as investors, venture capital, SBA loans, asset-based financing, lines of credit. Creation of business plans and loan proposals, development of cash-flow projections, and the evaluation of loan requests by lender/investors. Prerequisite: FIN 1001.
  • FIN 2511 Security Analysis
    The role and activities of the equity analyst. Cases and lectures help develop students鈥 analytical skills and appreciation of the usefulness and limitations of financial statements. Various approaches to equity valuation are considered. Drawing heavily on out-side readings from respected authors in the fields of finance and securities, students are required to research and produce a detailed report that includes an analysis of a particular industry and several firms within the industry. Prerequisite: FIN 1408 or FIN 2505.
  • FIN 2521 Portfolio Management
    Theoretical analysis and practical applications of modern portfolio theory to individual and institutional portfolio management; optimal asset selection and allocation decisions, portfolio mix, and the evaluation of portfolio performance; Markowitz diversification, single and multi-index models, capital market theory, capital asset pricing, arbitrage pricing, fixed-income securities, and options strategies. Implementation of portfolio optimization design utilizing Web/online resources, including databases and software. Prerequisite: FIN 2505 required; IDS 1456 recommended.
  • FIN 2828 Behavioral Economics
    This course is an introduction to behavioral economics and its applications. The course will focus on the statistical analysis of experimental data using non-parametric techniques (no previous statistics coursework required), and the application of experimental methods to identify behavioral regularities related to risk preferences, the endowment effect, overconfidence, framing, probabilistic assessment and other areas of decision-making. Students are required to complete a final experimental design project, which will include motivating theory, novel research hypotheses, proposed analytics, and implementation details. Prerequisites: IDS 1131 or STAT 1021, and ECON 1010 or ECON 1031. Cross-listed with MAN 2828, MAR 2828.
  • FIN 3501 Advanced Valuation
    This course is designed to provide a practical application of corporate finance skills to a variety of corporate restructuring transactions. Mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, private equity placements, senior and mezzanine debt issuances, leveraged buyouts, and other complex financial restructuring transactions are reviewed. We will explore the economic rationale and process of each transaction, address fairness and solvency opinions and analyses, and place heavy emphasis on the role of an associate professional in analyzing each situation. Students will build and apply valuation models typically used in practice by investment banks, commercial banks, and corporate finance consultants. The course is designed for those interested in careers in corporate finance or strategic planning. Prerequisites: FIN 1408, FIN 2505, IDS 1131/H.
  • FIN 3510 Options and Futures
    Comprehensive overview of options and futures and other derivative assets. The market microstructure for derivatives and its evolution, trading applications; exchange operations. Trading mechanics, hedging and speculation, price forecasting, testing and optimizing trading systems, performance spreading, and option pricing theory. Students implement futures pricing, hedging, and valuation using simulation and real-time, Web-based database resources. Prerequisite: (FIN 1408 or 2505) required; IDS 1456 recommended.
  • FIN 3604 International Finance and Accounting
    Analysis of special topics in international finance, including international capital flows, international accounting, theories of foreign exchange-rate determinations, Eurocurrency and Eurobond markets, and integration of multinational markets. Prerequisite: ACC 1002, FIN 1001. Cross-listed with ACC 3604.
  • FIN 3720 Fixed Income Securities
    Fixed income markets are much more important than equity markets. This course presents basic, non-complex, principles of pricing models for fixed income securities as well as public policy issues related to fixed income markets. Securities covered include government securities, municipal debt, corporate and junk bonds as well as some derivatives, mortgage backed and asset backed securities. The impact of the recent crisis on fixed income markets is analyzed.  Prerequisite: FIN 1001.
  • FIN 3851 Financial Statement Analysis
    Methods of communicating information about financing and operating activities of corporations, and techniques for analyzing and evaluating information. Prerequisite: ACC 1002, FIN 1001. Cross-listed with ACC 3851.
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