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Application instructions for the online course

The Chinese-Jewish Conversation

CJC online course application instructions

Before you begin this application, step one below, please read ALL of these instructions. Because once you submit the application no changes can be made.

  1. Visit 
  2. Click on Create Account to enter your contact information
    1. Choose Academic Program = Non-Matriculated Study and Start Term = Summer 2024 – click Submit – click Next
  3. Now you can complete the application questions. Some fields with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be completed before you can submit your application.
    1. In the Plans section, click on Student Type = CJC (Chinese Jewish Conversation) and if you are interested in receiving a scholarship, please click yes.

In the Academics section under Student Status = please click on the relevant option – Are you currently a high school student or Are you currently a university student or university graduate?

  • This is the section where you can enter the name of your high school or university
  • Click on Add High School or University Information - If you start entering your high school or university and the name of the school is not appearing in the dropdown, please click on the School Not Found button to enter the name of your high school or university in English + your expected date of graduation (month and year). This can be an estimated graduation date and does not need to be exact.
  1. In the signature section, click yes to understanding that once your application is submitted it may not be altered + enter your full name in the signature section + click submit application.
  2. Adding Documents to your application:
    1. Return to your home page and click on VIEW (in the center of the page) and click on Supplemental Items & Documents to upload the required unofficial documents. To upload a document, click on choose file and then click Upload.

1. TOEFL or IELTS Test Score including your name, date of exam and score

2. High School Transcript or College Transcript

3. If you clicked yes to being interested in receiving a scholarship, please upload a 500-word Scholarship Essay (in English) in which you tell us about yourself: Where you live in China, what your hometown and family are like, what are your educational and professional aspirations? How do the humanities (literature, philosophy, history) fit into your outlook? What is your interest in Jewish culture? Please add some detail about how would you contribute to this program and how it would be especially valuable for you? This will be the main basis on which you would merit a scholarship. You may cite financial need as a consideration, but we would like to know why you believe your participation in this program would enhance the learning experience of the group. You may also mention any special interest you have in Jewish people or Jewish culture. 

Please note that the personal statement is only required for those who clicked yes to requesting a scholarship. We encourage you to upload a non-mandatory personal statement in English so we may learn more about you: Where you live in China, what your hometown and family are like, what are your educational and professional aspirations? How do the humanities (literature, philosophy, history) fit into your outlook? What is your interest in Jewish culture? 

***Please disregard the Recommendation Requests section – this is not relevant for your program.

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